Monday, August 13, 2012


AJ loved his forest. It really was his, but he didn't own it in the conventional sense of the word. It was his because he knew every tree by name. Two thousand years old himself, he had watched them grow from volunteer seedlings to mighty elders. He had watched nature uncover again the bedrock she had buried for millennia. Ancient Precambrian rock made him feel young. Warblers sang to him by day and loons at eventide. Streams to the newly named mighty Hudson and St. Lawrence were clean enough to see trout and bass clearly. Recently, tourists and hardy natives provided company when needed, while Sargent's "forever kept as wild forest land" gave him peace. AJ loved his forest.


Unknown said...

Lovely description of the forest. I'm curious about AJ . . 2000years old! I would love to know more about him; is he the creator/father time? xxx

Anonymous said...

I agree with Lizzie, great description that raises a lot of questions about AJ!
- andrea

Anonymous said...

PS: I think you should change your setup so that people without a google account could comment as well. I have one but don't use it as I'm a wordpress blogger.
- andrea

Carlie Cullen said...

I love the imagery in your post and your descriptions of the forest. I'm intrigued about AJ! Beautifully done!

That old lady with too many cats. . . said...

Sorry Andrea, I can do a lot on my iPad, but I'm not sure how to do that. Of course that sounds more like a technical deal, which means I didn't know I should do that.
For those who asked, AJ is a character in my "novel in progress." He and his kind live among humans and try to help humans either progress (good) or be enslaved (bad).

EHillson said...

An intriguing and well written tale. AJ sounds like an interesting character.

Terri Giuliano Long said...

Thank you so much for sharing this glimpse of your work in progress! I'd certainly like to hear more about AJ in the future!