We did our Christmas pictures this weekend. This is not the picture on the card, but it turned out okay. I really miss Hanna at times like these. She would have caught some of the composition errors, not to mention the lighting problems. Ah, well. You will all just have to deal with looking at pictures that are closer to reality than the studio quality shots the rest of you had done by our sister.
Look at you handsome (Sun)devils! You all look good in red.
well, even without Hanna, you can't go wrong with such great subject matter. You do look great in my favorite color. Very festive. I love the door color behind you too.
We were on a narrow staircase in the Grandin building in the room where Joseph Smith signed the contract for printing the Book of Mormon. The location was Matt's idea. The red was mine. The adorableness is provided by Sarah.
Any time you want to fly me out there, I'd be happy to provide my services! Of course I will also include everyone in the family too... Fly, all kitties, and whomever else you want in there! Thanks for the compliment by the way!
Woo. Woo. Man alive Heidi. Look at you. YOu are one HOT momma! That's a great photo!:) And Sarah- you quite growing up and looking so womanly! I mean it. Matt- you're not so bad either. :) hehe
I should probably just email this to you but, Happy Birthday Matt! How old is you old man?
Hey. What are you guys up to over there? I need to know. :) You miss Hanna, but I miss your posts. :) Happy New Year!
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